Allergy Symptoms,Annapolis Allergy & Asthma
Written by chrissy

Let’s Clear the Air

“What are seasonal allergy symptoms, and how are they different from other allergies? What do I do about it?”

We get this question a lot and want to clear the air for you.

When people have so many symptoms, we understand the need to pinpoint the cause exactly. There’s a tendency to self-diagnose, and even though this article aims to educate, it’s not a substitute for seeking professional advice in person.

Pollen is the big culprit this time of year, as we head into spring.

Symptoms related to seasonal pollen allergies:

● Itchy, watery eyes
● Sneezing
● Headache
● Loss of smell
● Sore throat
● Coughing
● Fatigue
● Itchy, runny nose
● Dark circles under eyes
● Post-nasal drip
● Snoring

Sometimes people are bothered by other allergens and don’t realize it. They may even be dangerous. They can lead to long-term health issues, such as chronic sleep problems, decreased cognitive functioning, infections, inflammation, and mood disorders.

Symptoms related to other possible allergens (not seasonal):

● Depression
● Trouble sleeping
● Chronic fatigue
● Problems concentrating
● Upper respiratory infection
● Sinus infection
● Inability to exercise for long periods
● Asthma

If not properly treated, these misdiagnosed allergies and issues can tax an already stressed immune system. If you’re not positive whether your allergies are seasonal or not, Annapolis Allergy & Asthma can help you. Regardless of the allergy, we’ll properly diagnose and treat your symptoms.

Fast facts about pollen (seasonal allergen):

● Dry, windy conditions kick pollen around more and make allergies worse
● Rain calms down the pollen levels
● Pollen levels are typically highest in the mornings
● If winter is mild, trees tend to pollinate earlier, so allergy season starts earlier
● A late freeze will make pollination happen later and delay the season

Have you or a family member been suffering from symptoms and aren’t sure what to do? We know what it’s like – you wake up in the morning and begin sneezing with your . nose stopped up. You have to go to work, spend time with your family, and fulfill all your obligations, all while your symptoms are driving you nuts. You’d really love to get some more sleep.

Go to to begin the scheduling process to see us at Annapolis Allergy & Asthma. Don’t wait to book and risk having to wait longer as allergy season kicks in. Call us now at (410) 573-1600.

food allergies,Annapolis Allergy & Asthma
Written by chrissy

Food Allergy or Food Intolerance?

After we eat, the food is digested by our body and turned into energy. It is the fuel that keeps us alive and well. Sometimes the food does not get digested properly and our body has an adverse reaction. The most common reactions occur in our gastrointestinal tract in the form of gas, heartburn, or nausea. Sometimes the body has a more severe reaction depending upon whether you have a food intolerance or an allergy.

Food allergies affect a large number of people of all ages. Over ten million people, from newborns to senior citizens, suffer from food allergies in the United States alone. Food allergies are far more dangerous than food intolerances, and can even be life threatening. The human immune system functions as an army protecting our body from uninvited invasions, and when an unwelcome entity is found, the army attacks. Occasionally, our immune system makes a mistake and assumes that something in our food is unwelcome and the army mounts an offensive against that which is meant to provide us with energy; this is a food allergy. The symptoms of food allergies include, but are not limited to, difficulty breathing, a sudden and drastic drop in blood pressure, or rashes, hives or itchy patches on the skin. The majority of all food allergies are caused by peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, milk, eggs, soy, and wheat.

Food intolerances occur when your body encounters a challenge in digesting the food. Food intolerance does not necessarily happen every time you eat a certain food, unlike an allergy, which is a reaction that will occur every time. Food intolerances rarely occur when a small amount of the food has been ingested. Most commonly, food intolerance develops over time when a lot of a certain food is eaten or if that food is eaten frequently. Whether you suffer from a food allergy or intolerance can be determined by seeing your doctor and having tests run. There are medications that can be provided in either case, but the best course for avoiding adverse reactions to any type of food, is to abstain from that food all together.

If you have any questions, or to set up an appointment for testing or consultation, visit

Allergies, Asthma, Allergy Injections
Written by chrissy

Asthma and Allergies

When you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.” The American Lung Association

26 million Americans live with asthma, a chronic disease with chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing. It is one of the leading causes of school and work absence. Allergies also can be very disruptive; resultant congestion, itching, sneezing and sinus disease contribute to poor performance, low productivity and overall decreased quality of life. With asthma, constriction and inflammation of the bronchial tubes are present, making it difficult to breathe. These two conditions are often seen together because allergies are a common cause of asthma.   An allergist is a physician who can determine whether asthma is present, and if so, whether allergies are involved. Pollen, mold, dust mites, animals, cockroaches all can act as “allergens”, triggering allergies that can easily lead to life-threatening asthma.

Allergists often act as detectives, analyzing clues. Seasonal allergy and asthma can be triggered by the seasonal variation of tree, grass or weed pollen. Important perennial allergens include mold, dust mites, and beloved household pets. Sometimes symptoms are brought on by non-allergic irritants, such as environmental tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes, perfumes, candles or changes in temperature. For example, exercise-induced asthma can be triggered by physical activity from rapidly inhaling dry, cooler air. 

Both asthma and allergies can be managed by careful interpretation of individualized allergy tests and applying the results to the specific home and work environment. Identifying and reducing allergen exposure is a good first step. Prudent use of the right combination of medication controls inflammation and usually improves the quality of life. However, in the cases of stubborn symptoms due to obligatory exposure to allergens, patients are looking for a more durable or permanent solution. (such as dogs and cats) Allergy immunotherapy (allergy shots) can provide dramatic, long term relief, often without medication, by eliminating the underlying allergies that cause the problem. Immunotherapy enables those working outdoors on tolerating pollen, K-9 officers to handle their dogs, and families to live with their pets.  

How do allergy injections work?

 Allergies are caused by an overreactive immune system. Harmless particles trigger an overly aggressive response by white blood cells just under the skin and mucous membranes. Injections bypass these cells and deliver harmless allergens to more complex immune cells which regulate and turn off this destructive allergic response. Immunotherapy injections are very precise, safe, and only affect the specific immune response to the ingredients contained in the serum. Evidence-based clinical literature has shown that nuances of dose, frequency, and formulation can make the difference between effective and ineffective allergy treatment. Dr. Duane Gels, a board-certified allergist and director at Annapolis Allergy & Asthma, has successfully treated thousands of allergic patients with customized, effective allergy immunotherapy over 25 years.  The knowledge and experience of his team to appropriately use this technique adjust the immune system and provide long-lasting results. Come be evaluated by the knowledgeable and experienced team at Annapolis Allergy and Asthma and experience relief!

Allergy Tips

A quality, low-allergen lifestyle can be achieved by following your allergist’s action plan.                                       

Asthma and Allergies can be triggered by poor indoor air quality, so change your A/C filters frequently. 

Have your heating/AC ducts cleaned frequently as, over time, dust and other allergens accumulate within the system.

Be aware of environmental weather extremes, as outdoor exercise can trigger asthma and other respiratory conditions

Identify your specific allergies, and minimize exposure in your home. Dust, mold/mildew, animal dander all may contribute.

Use of daily nasal saline rinse, such as a NetiPot can be beneficial to flush out allergens.

Over the counter antihistamines, decongestants and nasal corticosteroids to control nasal congestion and discharge.

Beware of addictive nasal decongestant sprays; after several days of use, rebound congestion often develops. 

Learn your specific allergens: if pollen allergic, stay indoors on dry, windy, high pollen days. Close your windows when the pollen count is high.  Remove and wash your clothes; wash hair before bed, as static can attract pollen.  

In conclusion, there are medical diagnostic and treatment options for asthma and allergies. With patient commitment and confidence with their professional medical doctor, one can resume and enjoy daily activities. Come visit the specialists at Annapolis Allergy & Asthma to determine what allergies you may have. We will help you develop a management plan that works for you. Call us today at 410-573-1600.

Copyright Duane Gels 2019

Asthma, Allergies, ANNAPOLIS, MD
Written by Jenna Simmons

What causes asthma?

The exact causes of asthma aren’t clear, but there are factors that contribute to the development of asthma. According to the American Lung Association, asthma does tend to run in families; however, both inherited and environmental factors do play key roles.  

Risk Factors 

If your parents have or had asthma, you are more likely to have asthma as well. Similarly, if a parent has allergies, their children are more likely to have allergies. Respiratory infections during infancy and early childhood may damage delicate lung tissue, which can have long-term effects on lung function.   Exposure to allergens, irritants and viral infections during infancy or early childhood can compromise the developing immune system. This type of exposure has been linked to asthma. Adults may develop asthma after exposure to chemicals or dust in the workplace. 

You won’t be surprised to learn that smoking and pollution also have negative effects on health and can trigger asthma. You may not be aware of one other contributing factor in the development of asthma: obesity. Both children and adults who are overweight are more likely to suffer from asthma. This group also tends to take more medication and have a more difficult time managing their condition than people of a healthy weight. 


Asthma often presents as a nagging cough, periodic shortness of breath or wheezing, but even having these alone doesn’t mean you necessarily have asthma. You need to be diagnosed by a physician to confirm the condition. The doctor will take a complete health history and administer tests such as spirometry. This test measures lung function by measuring how quickly and how much air you blow out.  


Just as types of asthma vary between different people, asthma  treatment needs to be tailored to the individual. There are now a dizzying array of new medications – some in combination, many of which available as inhalers – effective on all types of asthma. They tend to fall into two groups: those used for short-term, quick-relief, and others which provide more long-term control. It’s important to understand why and when to use each.  

Traditionally, fast-acting bronchodilators are necessary to rapidly relax muscle spasms choking your airways from the outside, giving immediate, though temporary, relief. Anti-inflammatory medications work more slowly to cut down the stubborn swelling and mucus  within airways, which builds more slowly from viruses and allergies. Both types of medications are important as part of an overall management plan. 

However, within the last few years, recent advances in technology have led to exciting, new biologic therapies that are now changing the way we treat targeting specific types of asthma.  Come visit the specialists at Annapolis Allergy & Asthma who determine if and which type of asthma you have, and will help you develop a management plan that works for you. Call us today at 410-573-1600.

Written by Jenna Simmons

New Treatments for Asthma

Asthma is an increasingly common health problem in the United States. Asthma is a swelling and tightening of the airways that presents itself in the form of wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. There are multiple reasons for this. One source is outdoor air quality. Smog and smoke, industrial waste released into the air and carbon emissions from cars all add to the problem. The quality of indoor air is also an issue. Buildings that have repurposed air tend to have lower air quality, even with the most effective air filters.

Asthma is not curable, but it can be controlled. Inhaled corticosteroids are one regularly used treatment. The aim of all asthma treatments is to provide long-term control as an intervention for prevention of symptoms, offer quick relief if an individual is having an asthma attack and identifying triggers in order to prevent future asthma attacks.

The most common remedies include medications that prevent the onset of asthma. In the case of an ongoing attack, there are quick acting medicines that stop or lessen the severity of an asthma attack.

New interventions include:

• Biologics. These are medications that enhance and work with the immune system, preventing the airways from expanding and causing a shortness of breath. These are antibiotics with antibodies. Some can be ingested orally, and others are given via an injection.
• Bronchial thermoplasty. When asthma is too severe, it may require a surgical intervention such as bronchial thermoplasty. In this case, the airways are targeted by radiofrequency energy. Interestingly the aim is to destroy smooth muscle linings in the airways. This prevents the airway muscles from performing their normal function of constricting and expanding, ultimately expanding the opening by preventing its narrowing. The current protocol calls for three sessions that are given in three-week intervals.

Research is ongoing in the search for preventive measures and cures for asthma. A recent new pharmaceutical has been introduced – the first in two decades – that shows great promise. The end goal is to wipe out asthma in our lifetime.

If you are struggling with asthma, contact the professionals at Annapolis Allergy & Asthma. We are experienced in helping patients cope with and find relief from asthma symptoms.